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Hong Kong subcontractor Ming Shing Group discloses new terms ahead of $10 million US IPO

April 29, 2024

Ming Shing Group Holdings, a Hong Kong construction subcontractor focused on wet trades services, disclosed new terms for its upcoming IPO on Monday.

The company now plans to raise $10 million by offering 1.5 million shares at a price range of $5 to $8. The company had originally filed in June 2023 to offer 3.8 million shares at $4, before removing the terms this past March. At the midpoint of the range, Ming Shing Group Holdings will raise 35% less in proceeds than originally anticipated.

Ming Sheng Group mainly engages in wet trades works, such as plastering, tile laying, brick laying, floor screeding, and marble works. The group primarily focuses on residential and commercial developments.

Ming Shing Group Holdings was founded in 2012 and booked $24 million in revenue for the 12 months ended September 30, 2023. It plans to list on the Nasdaq under the symbol MSW. Revere Securities is the sole bookrunner on the deal.